//Hidden Reflections//
Hidden Reflections by Tsuki Okada & Hiro Jensen


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the message board of DOOM»»««the gallery

Rants of the Artists
Whinings of Hiro

I hereby declare Hidden Reflections dead. Due to deeply-seated conflicts and inabilities to compromise, my partnership with Tsuki has dissolved. As Hidden Reflections is no longer alive, may I recommend the following webcomics as well: Loxie and Zoot, the best comic about naturists you will ever find, Sublunary, a yaoi webcomic with loads of fanservice, H.I.Y.E., a shounen-ai webmanga, of which I am now a supporting editor, and Paragon Fishing, a hilarious webcomic with insane roommates/neighbours, and Digital War, which is purely genius. I hope any of you fans enjoyed Hidden Reflections.


Bitchings of Tsuki

Worst luck in the bloody world, folks. First, the blackout, then FTP stops working... I finally did get FTP to work. -_- Now will someone please get Hiro off me? Ick... *makes a face* Not to mention this is MIKI's chapter. That girl scares me...


Hidden Reflections in Russian

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